Knacker Squaddies' Quartermaster Depot

Wanted to Buy or Trade

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Oregon Military Museum

OK--Here's our UPDATED "Wanted" list, effective May 25, 2004.
Even when we are not busily cranking out rations or out saving the world from Fritz, the Japanese or Communist Terrorists, or sending care packages to our mates in the Gulf, Afghanistan and Asia, we like collecting kaggage, so, since we know many of you would rather trade than cough up the extra tin for rations, we are happy to trade in many cases.
Here is a list of our "wants" and "needs". We try to update it frequently, but sometimes the kit on the list has made a miraculous appearance already. The list is not exclusive (Shy of the nickel-plated sporterized 6.5 Carcano that has been drilled and tapped for a K-Mart scope with a quarter inlaid in the camo-finish stock, which we really don't need any more of... ;-), so let us know what you have.
Please also let us know what price or trade you have in mind. Even though we strive to be fair and even quite generous in our trades, we may not pay vastly above retail prices, unless one of the lads is reallllly lusting for the item in question.
With that said, please click on the category of "needful things" for old Knackered Troopies below... 

Please be sure to put the word "TRADE" in the subject line of any correspondence you send regarding these wanted items. Send any inquiries/offers to:
Please, again, make sure to put "TRADE" in the subject line. Thanks!


Ammo and Small Arms Accessories/Dummy Guns


Contact us by clicking here:


Don't forget: Put "TRADE" in the subject line!