Ammo and Small Arms Accessories/Dummy
.303 Tracer or AP Ammo
.380/200 Ammo boxes (full
or emptycardboard-service Type)
.380/200 Ammo components (bullets
.43 Mauser Brass (boxer) and
flat nose bullets
.455 Bullet Mold (hollow base)
from RCBS
.455 MkVI Ammo or Ammo Boxes
(cardboard-service type)
.577 Snider Brass (boxer)
& Dies
Martini Brass (boxer) & Dies
British 9mm Service ammo boxes
(cardboard type)
Deactivated/Inert French and
British Hand Grenades
and Rifle Grenades
Repro Winchester 97 Trench
gun heatshield/bayo lug (Preferably cheaper than IMA..)
Dummy French 1936-1949 Sub
guns or LMGs
Dummy Mark II Sten Gun